Parents of people with disabilities are hungry for information that may improve the lives of their loved ones. That was evident this spring when Special Smiles staff dentist Jordan Strott, DMD and practice administrator Patricia Silverio co-presented via Zoom to “There’s A Place for Us,” a group of families in North Philadelphia and one of seven Philadelphia Parent Support Groups.
Ms. Silverio introduced Special Smiles, who we are, what we do, our facility and best ways to contact us. Dr. Strott explained how to provide oral hygiene for their loved one, emphasizing the importance of a calm atmosphere, speaking slowly in a soothing voice and being on the same physical level. She encouraged the parents to watch the instructional videos on the Oral Health Resources page of the Special Smiles website.
The presentation was so well-received that Coordinator Doreatha Davis invited us to present next to the West Philadelphia Parent Support Group and later to each of the five other groups.
Groups wishing to inquire about hosting a presentation by Special Smiles may email