14 Sep 2022

Top 10 Reasons for Regular Dental Care

By Jordan Strott, DMD

Going to the dentist regularly may not be an activity many people look forward to, but it might be one of the most important appointments to keep. Here are some of the top 10 reasons to see your dentist regularly:

1. Oral cancer can be life threatening if left unchecked. Luckily with early detection oral cancer tends to be easily treatable.

2. Cavities, when caught early, can be easily fixed. If treatment is delayed one risks potential crown, root canal or even loss of the tooth.

3. Gum disease is caused when plaque and tartar sit around the teeth and gums. If left too long it may cause bone loss which may result in tooth loss.

4. Wisdom teeth can pose challenges for any individual. Dentists monitor development, positioning and cleansability at each recare visit.

5. Check filings, crowns and dentures to make sure they are free of any decay, defects or fractures. This helps avoid pain, infection and the need for more extensive work in the future

6. Routine X-rays do more than check for cavities. They help the dentist look for fractures, cysts, tumors, abscesses and other abnormalities that would not normally be visible by just an exam.

7. Bad breath is a common complaint in a dental practice. By visiting the dentist, they can help pinpoint the source and provide recommendations.

8. Check on “bad” habits such as grinding, clenching, or biting/chewing on objects. Dentists can try to help prevent further destruction or damage to keep teeth intact for as long as possible.

9. Reviewing oral hygiene plans regularly helps maintain good habits and oral health. Plans can be modified as specific needs change.

10. We love seeing our patients, hearing about how everyone is doing and what everyone is up to!

Our mission at Special Smiles is to make sure patients are pain free, infection free and cavity free in a hope to maintain, if not improve, quality of life. If your loved one or client has not been to Special Smiles in more than a year, please call us to schedule the next visit at 267-639-6250.